DAILY NEWS JOURNAL, Murfreesboro, TN - March 2006
Research Leads to New Home by Jennifer Cathey
"I came here originally because I was working on this CD recording of Judy Garland's family history. Since her
father (Frank Gumm) was born here, I wanted to get some feel of where he grew up," she said. "that was in 2001. I came back
two years later to do more research"
A lover of things historical and an avid researcher of the Gumm family, Russell was thrilled to find a home for
sale off East College Street.
"I'm right in the heart of everything I'm writing about. It's perfect," she said.
(c) 2006 Gannett
DAILY NEWS JOURNAL, Murfreesboro, TN - Nov 7, 2004
Judy Garland Project Lands Researcher in 'Boro
Looking for the facts about Gum(m) family by Dan Whittle
"I'm looking for information not only about Judy Garland's ancestors in the area Gum family, but the Marables,
(and) the Baughs..." said New Jersey resident Michelle Russell...
..."In the era prior to Sewanee, there were alot of problems, lots of drama in the Gum family while living in
Murfreesboro, including court trials and fires," the researcher disclosed....
(c) 2004 Gannett
THE STAR LEDGER, Bergen County, NJ - January 22, 2003
Sister Act Traces Judy Garland's Vaudeville Roots -
by Allison Freeman
"....The girls were chosen for their roles by Michelle Russell, who wrote the script of "Vaudeville Songs." Russell,
of Jersey City, began researching "Vaudeville Songs" in 1995 and finished the script last year."
"Vaudeville is something which has interested me since childhood," said Russell, a former office worker at the
Merrill Lynch office next to the World Trade Center.
"I'm always thrilled when I see those little girls on stage," Russell said. "I love doing the show and I love
seeing people's reactions to it. They are surprised at how much they enjoy the music."
Russell's goal is to see the show open off-Broaday. She also wishes more children could see it "and get inspired,"
she said. "Some kids have a preconceived notion of what old music is..."
(c) 2003 The Star Ledger
THE STAR LEDGER, Thursday, May 9, 2002
Centerstage - Humming to 'America' by Peter Filichia
Two Jersey girls are appearing on a new CD performing songs that are almost 100 years older than they are.
The disc is "Made In America - Vaudeville Songs 1900-1925..."
(c) 2002 The Star Ledger
THE JERSEY JOURNAL, Tuesday, April 9, 2002
Tunes to Treasure by Ronald Leir
Show business tunes from the flapper era are celebrated in a new "Made In America - Vaudeville Songs 1900-1926"
compact disc produced by Jersey City's Michelle Russell... Russell, a native Californian who moved to Jersey City in 1996,
said the idea for the CD project was born six years ago when she was researching a living history program for the Judy Garland
Birthplace in Minnesota..."
(c) 2002
Grand Rapids Herald Review, June 1996
JUNE 2005 - Appeared on New York Cable TV - THE SYD AND LINDA SHOW to talk about her new book,
"From Tennessee to Oz".
Reviews of the Made In America - Vaudeville Songs CD
researched and produced by Michelle Russell
"A fabulous CD, worthy of its topic.
Beautifully produced. It reminds me of the days
when Judy Garland dominated American entertainment."
Joe Franklin, WBBR, Bloomberg Radio
"From the new to the old, Made In America: Vaudevile Songs 1900 - 1923... is a charming remembrance of
long ago days when live performances provided most of our country's entertainment..." SHOW MUSIC, Summer 2002
"...fine voices with sturdy piano backing evoke the innocent era when the Gumm
family, the ebullient Frank Gumm, the intrepid Ethel Gumm, - sang across America with their daughters, the youngest of whom
was the prodigy who became the great trouper, Judy Garland... CD contains actual documented songs sung by the vaudeville family.
A great musical journey... I recommend it!"
Barry Kehoe, Garland biographer, "Young Judy" w/ David Dahl
"Made In America" is ... comprised of sterling talent,... Even if these old songs and the vaudeville cabaret style
aren't your cup of tea, you're bound to find yourself getting caught up in it anyway."
Russ Schach, Guts and Glory