Inspired by the incomparable Judy Garland --- and her vaudeville
"A fabulous CD, worthy of its topic.
Beautifully produced. It reminds me of the days
when Judy Garland dominated American entertainment."
Joe Franklin, WBBR, Bloomberg Radio
FROM TENNESSEE TO OZ - The Amazing Saga of Judy Garland's Family History, Part 1.
Visit apple itunes by CLICKING HERE for digital download!
Special price this month! $8 incuding postage through September 10, 2015.
Click here to purchase the revised "Made In
America" with added instruments and show cast CD for $8.00, INCLUDING shipping & handling!
Click here to order the ORIGINAL Made In America - Vaudeville Songs for only $5 including postage & handling.
This CD does NOT include "Wear a Hat a Silver Lining
To order by mail:
Make your check or
money order out and mail to: CATSONG PUBLISHING,
33034 Crystal Springs Road,
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
What critics are saying:
"The great achievement of this album is that it comes off
as a sincere love letter to the style and sensibility of the period...
Brian De Lorenzo
[singing the songs of Frank Gumm] has a real flair for the period style... whether turning on the charm for a showy
bit of flash or a sentimental ballad with his pure, high voice...
Jennifer [Ackerman]
does a lovely job with a solo...
Sofie Zamchick,
age 8, a sweetie. As Judy, she sounds ...endearing in her solo spots...
Major credit is due the pianists, Sue
Maskaleris... and Mark Hartman... As Ethel Merman first sang..., "who
could ask for anything more?"
The "Made In America - Vaudeville Songs" CD
- 22 songs the Gumm Family performed
in vaudeville!
-A short history of Judy Garland's family
-Photos from the show.
- 2005 version includes violin,
clarinet & ukulele
8 new tracks & vocals
Our original Made In America CD, was a lovely
work that is now nearly sold-out. The brilliant NEW "Made In America - A Tribute to the Gumm Family" has many changes
and wonderful additions. Don't miss the fun! Put your order in now!!!
Original Made In America Cover |

Alternate E-Mail!
FROM TENNESSEE TO OZ Part 1 and 2 are available on, the Judy Garland Museum, through your local store or
PLEASE VISIT: MICHELLE'S BOOK NOOK for books, music, and costumes!
"Made In America" is ... comprised of sterling talent,...
Even if these old songs and the vaudeville cabaret style aren't your cup of tea, you're bound to find yourself getting caught
up in it anyway."
Russ Schach, Guts and Glory
Listen to our Original MADE IN AMERICA tracks at
Come on and hear - Alexander's Ragtime Band! |

Jennifer Ackerman & Brian De Lorenzo |
"...fine voices with sturdy piano backing evoke the innocent era when
the Gumm family, the ebullient Frank Gumm, the intrepid Ethel Gumm, - sang across America with their daughters, the youngest
of whom was the prodigy who became the great trouper, Judy Garland... CD contains actual documented songs sung by the vaudeville
family. A great musical journey... I recommend it!"
Barry Kehoe, Garland biographer, "Young Judy" w/ David Dahl