Laura Oseland, an experienced young actress was eleven at the time of this recording. She
has played on stages in Minnesota, New Jersey and New York. Laura has played the title roles in the musicals
"Heidi" and "Alice In Wonderland." She won the Toby Award 2000 for "Rising Star Actress".

Ashley Birmingham |
Ashley Birmingham was a nine year old actress-singer when she recorded this album. She has
played appeared in "Barnum", "Fiddler on the Roof", in NJ and "The People Garden" off-Broadway. Most
recently she appeard in "Annie" at the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Ashley is known throughout New Jersey for
her standing-ovation performances as a singer.

Sofie Zamchick |
Sofie Zamchick was seven years old when she joined the cast of "Made In America". Sofie has
done numerous voice-overs for film and television, as well as appearing on Nickelodeon and in numerous dance performances.
She has studied piano and violin for over 4 years. Sofie did an excellent job on the new recordings of "Five
Foot Two", "Tie Me Two Your Apron Strings Again" and "When My Sugar Walks Down the Street" as well as others.