Cotton fields in Middle Tennessee (c) 2005 |
This site is dedicated to
The Amazing Saga of Judy Garland's Family History,
Parts I & II by Michelle Russell
Part 1 retails for $19.99 including postage.
Part 2 retails for $24.99.
OR buy 1 & 2 for only $42.00 including postage
+ a free CD of songs the Gumm family sang in vaudeville!
To LEARN MORE, please read below and click the page links on the side for excerpts, photos and the author's blog!
To PURCHASE the books from CATSONG PUBLISHING click below.
From Tennessee To Oz is the fascinating story of Judy Garland's ancestry. She was a descendant of pioneers
- who braved the wilderness to create the state of Tennessee.
Pioneers, Indians, Civil War, Ministers of God, and a Gumm ancestor with a voice so big is said he could be heard
two miles away! Book 1 covers the years 1793 -1870.
Part 2 begins with the surprising romance of Garland's grandparents, Will Gum and Clemmie Baugh, and quickly evolves
to a darkly suspenseful tale. Due to the historical information author Michelle Russell was able to uncover
-as well as the generous support of many family members- "From Tennessee to Oz" often reads more like a novel than
a history book.
Along with a darksome story, the book also contains many humorous stories about young Judy's life. This is a story about
family, never revealed in just this way. The book will also contain close to 100 photos of family members and sites.
This unforgetable book about the ancestors and young life of one of our greatest entertainers, Judy Garland
is a story you won't want to miss.
For those who purchase Part 1, Part 2 will be available prior to its release
- sometime in January.

TO BUY A BOOK-Click here!
Stay tuned for more news!
- Judy Garland's father, Frank Gumm had three brothers and a sister - all talented singers
- Frank Gumm stayed in touch with his sibblings and visited them throughout his life
- Frank Gumm traveled the U.S as part of a vaudeville troupe
- Baby Gumm sang in her Daddy's home town at the age of 3
- Baby Gumm interrupted one of her parents' performances to defend her beloved daddy
- What happened at Frank Gumm's funeral?
- Ethel Gumm visited her Gumm sister-in-laws in the 1940s
- Judy Garland was the first Hollywood star to entertain the troops in WWII
- Judy Garland suprised her cousin's commander who didn't believe she was his cousin
And there's a lot more....